Top Of The Week

Why interested in fintech?

Fintech companies are committed to changing the status quo and providing a better customer experience. This innovative...

What type of intellectual property is a patent?

Type 2 — Patents According to the United States Patent Office, “An invention patent is the grant of a property right...

Fintech product ideas?

Digital banking is considered the goose that lays golden eggs for FinTech startups. Florinis, 7, 2nd Floor, 1065,...

Is intellectual property automatically copyrighted?

Beginning January 1, 1978, under the U.S. Specifically, “A work is created when it is “fixed” on a copy or...

What companies use fintech?

Banking Fintech Providers & StartupSally Financial is used by more than 8.5 million people. Venmo is a popular P2P...

Is intellectual property copyrighted?

I decided to study the subject a little and pass on some knowledge to our community. Many intellectual property rights...

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Top Of The Month

Why use fintech?